
The Forty (40) Barangays in the municipality of Bauan

Bauan is politically subdivided into 40 barangays. Barangay San Teodoro was created in 1953 from the sitio of Pook ng Buhangin from Barrio Ilat and the sitio of Cupang from Barrio Gelerang Kawayan. In 1954, the sitio of Jipit in the barrio of San Antonio was converted to the barrio of Sto. Niño, while the sitio of Pook ni Banal in the Barrio of Malaking Pook was converted into the barrio of Pook ni Banal.
The next year, sitio Pinagcurusan in barrio Maricaban and sitio Pinagcurusan in barrio Tingloy were constituted into barrio San Jose, while sitio Pirasan in barrio Payapa was constituted into the barrio of San Juan. In 1956 portions of San Andres and Bolo were separated to form the barrio of San Miguel. The next year, sitio Puting Buhangin of barrio Magalanggalang was converted into barrio Orense. The Forty (40) Barangays in Bauan. To wit; 

1. Alagao 16. Inicbulan 31. San Diego
2. Aplaya 17. locloc 32. San Miguel
3. As-is 18. Magalang-galang 33. San Pablo
4. Bagong Silang 19. Malindig 34. San Pedro
5. Baguilawa 20. Manalupang 35. San Roque
6. Balayong 21. Manghinao Proper 36. San Teodoro
7. Poblacion I 22. Manghinao I 37. San Vicente
8. Poblacion II 23. New Danglayan 38. Sta. Maria
9. Poblacion III 24. Orense 39. Sto. Domingo
10. Poblacion IV 25 Pitugo 40. Sinala
11. Bolo 26. Rizal
12. Colvo 27. Sampaguita
13. Cupang 28. San Agustin
14. Durungao 29. San Andres Proper
15. Gulibay 30. San Andres I